May 26, 2012

To Miss Aisya....

Dear Aisya my love,

Wow, what a day we had today! It was a tiring yet exciting day wasn't it!?! Just you and me had a fun talk a long the way to the Family gathering and all the way back. After I watched how you pulled out your performance successfuly at school earlier! Didn't you feel nervous at all? I mean to perform poetry in front of a hall full of audiences? At your age? Really baby, Mommy saw you looked so calm and easy, like you were saying "Bring it on!", you were cool. Yet your Dad couldn't stop his anxiousness....(So sorry, there won't be any pictures from the school event tonight, since I haven't got the time to edit and resizing it. Tomorrow I'll try to upload them all, IF i can managed to get up early :p)

I thanked God for picked you and put you inside my womb. And thanked God for the quick (but yet was painful) delivery process that brought you into my lap. And thanked God for the all guidances and supports on  caring and raising you from tiny baby until this little Missy I know today. And I thanked you very much to God for gave us a full Mother-Daughter quality time today....on your 5th Birthday. So, it's an honour to once again be the last person to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY my beautiful angel, Miss Aisya Ruby....I always pray for your Health and Happiness, to grow and have a wonderful time along your childhood (and so on), and to our everlasting love for each other :*


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