December 31, 2012

2012 was... most PASSIONATE year!

Of course, there were Ups and Downs...the Rollercoaster of Life. But Alhamdulillah, this year I really feel complete, focused, productive, and very much enjoying my the fullest! :D

Ups :

my online Boutique :D

Downs :

My babies are my everything. They are my world, my dreams, my inspirations, my life....If something happened to them, it's like my world is taken away from me or like stripping off my soul from my body. And my very Low moments was when Agasha get Dehydrated and when we Lost him two days before New Year. Hopefully there won't be any terrifying moments happened in 2013 and the years after...Amin.

How is your Ups and Downs, Dear? Hopefully what we had in 2012 can be a good ammo to face what's await in 2013...Amin :)

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