January 21, 2012

Two Face

Hai Dear Angels....

I don't understand with Two Faces people. Two Faces people is the kind of people who do sweet talks in front of you but says trashy behind your back (beware with these kind of person okay Darling ;) ). I really don't get it what is the reason. If you hate someone why on earth you have to put effort faking to like that person, BIG question mark for me????

I don't do that. If i'm in a situation where i must behave to someone i don't really in to, i just keep my mouth shut or keep the conversation short. Oh and do the three-seconds smile, and shut again. Like Hancock said :
I'm gonna do me, and I'm gonna let you do you.

So, now you might know if i'm feeling "Yeah we cool...", or "You actually okay, but we're on different page...sorry". And please never never ever played Two Face with me, 'coz if you do, you out from my List.

January 20, 2012

It's not always a good start

Hai dearest Angels.....

Supposedly we start a New Year with (hopefully) a good start. But not this year. Some people i know must have a hard start.........Kiddo, do you remember Oma Ayu? (Mommy called her Ma Ayu) Your Daddy's aunty, uncle Reza's mom. Back in December 2011 she got so ill she must stayed at hospital for (maybe) a week. Later we found out she got Tumor, likely lead to Cancer, in her head, and it was pressed her brain, caused her a very very painfull headaches. Once i asked her how painfull it was she said "Unspeakable....", then she would try pulling her hair to stop the pain.

Doctor suggested to have operation to lift the Tumor to stop it pressing the brain any further. But, some family members or friends suggested to try alternative medication and other (sorry my language) b*l*s**t treatments. I was disappointed and mad, but that was your Oma Ayu's decision. She knew the consequences.

Short story, the alternatives medication didn't go well. She got worsed. And on January 1st (yup, first day in 2012, when we have a lovely time visiting Oma Sri at Bogor), your Oma got call telling that Oma Ayu must taken to the hospital right away! That evening she got hospitalized. But the good news is Oma Ayu agreed to take an operation. She was taking her baby step (read: medication) from that moment, and I see her spirit and enthusiasm to get well.

Yesterday Oma Ayu got out from hospital after 19 days. She now an outpatient. After this first thing to do is having an Oncology check-up. She is still have a long medication to take. I'm always pray for Allah SWT to give her strenght and spirit to get through this journey and to fight this Cancer she had.....Amin

January 16, 2012

First in 2012

Hai Dearest Angels......

Hmm, it's 2012....WOW! And I've got 3 wonderful children!.........What a life (T_T')

Anyway, for the past couple weeks, i started Blog walking again (to be honest, i just read two blogs...yet). These blogs is inspiring me, in different approach, to start blogging again. Yes offcourse my main reason the first time i made this blog is as my heritage to my children....yes you dear angels (^^,). So you know what kind of Motherhood life that i have, the thougts in my head, feelings that i feel, or maybe just other crazy expressions of me....your Mommy.......ugh, i got teary eyes now :'(

So I would like to thank so so so very much to the beautiful Puput Utami and this smart-unique-one of a kind-bright girl EvitaNuh (frankly,secretly i wish i can turn back time and have your character, Cha...*sigh). Your Blog has magically inspiring me to write again......I can't give you girls an Award (yet), but i hope my kiss&hug will be accepted.....HUG HUG KISS KISS (^^,)

And for all of you out there....

Happy New Wonderful Year!