June 8, 2012

Quiet Time

Phew....finally all the 3 angels are sleeping....

Oh my, it's getting more obvious by this time that Mommy isn't young anymore. I need my energy pack two times than usual (or than a couple of years ago to be precise!) to keep up with my angels. I can deal with the housework, bath time and mealtime are just a routine and sometimes it's more easy when the girls willing to eat themselves. What about Monsieur Agasha? Oh he is such an adorable baby, I hardly had a hard time to bath and feed him, just one handsome baby you could ever dream of (^^,)

Of course, I don't live in a Dreamland and think that everything will go smoothly with the little angels of mine, triple No! Well I wish for it, but no Ma'am that will never happen. There are sister fights I must deal with, there are two little girls with attitude I must deal with, there are disciplines I must apply to the Angels and it needs my concistency (for sure!), and I really don't even dare to tell you what to deal with a learning-to-walk-and-likes-to-wandering toddler who need close supervision.........(Is that all??). Oh, last but not least, when it comes to entertaining the Angels let's just say that I'm facing a catastrophe........ But don't you worry guys, thank God I'm partnering with one tough guy I can always relied on (and to be honest, when everything start gets in my nerve, I will throw your Dad in and let him in charge ;p).

Now who says that married makes you happy??? I DO!

Of course, when you married with the one you love and loved you even more. Of course you'll be happy when you have cute little angels to cuddle and kiss and called you 'Mama'. And you'll be more happier when succesfully get through all the bumpy rides and witnessing the sweet result.............Dear stop me before I got carried away.......

I know I still have more tiring days to come, but it won't take forever. After all not the whole day my angels drive me crazy, there are quiet times too, so calm like the ocean......while Mommy will take a close look at all of them and each of them then grateful to God of these precious gifts. Mommy treasures you, Angels, so much! :*

PS : Now I just need to stay healthy....and sane, of course! 


Dimas0184 said...

Selamat atas usahanya selama ini berjuang memberikan yang terbaik u keluarga... Semoga selalu diberikan kekuatan kesehatan dan kemudahan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari... Nice work, good job, four thumbs for your blog.

Hazelnutholic said...

Thank you Dimas0184, wish you all the best too.... :)