June 9, 2012

Did I get it...?

Hi Babes......!

Actually I have some updates waiting to be posted, but I'm sooooo excited to show off share BIG things that I got today....oh boy! Okay, remember this story? Well, I have never forget that beautiful vintage trunk, it's stamped in my 'Must have Items' list. I think trunks with vintage feel are timeless accessory for your room plus it fits to any room in your house (yes dear, even in the bathroom ;)). Back to me now, I really don't know is it because I've been a good girl and be patient and God love me so much, or is it the work of my unconscious power that draws the Universe to do its Magic...? Either ways, I really thank you...thank you...thank you....and a million more thank you! *zuper big smile*

Yes, I finally bought my dream Trunks. And the best part is, it was on DISCOUNT! The Terms&Conditions is just Buy it with Member card or a certain Credit card then you got the discount. So made my membership card, and for $85.92 $53.66 I'm not only can have one of this......

...nor just two...


Ain't that a good deal or what!?! I know Allah SWT always love me, but I really so touched knowing that Allah loves me so very much! I'm so gratitude for this, and I'm definitely will donate the remaining money from the original budget. Now if you excuse me, I got some beautiful Trunks to arrange and to admire ;p

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